Maintenance & Management
Be an active CREP participant - perform required practice maintenance. Maintenance involves on the ground practice evaluation including annual weed control as needed, replanting of the vegetative practices (grass, trees, shrubs), repair and maintenance of all structural practices.
You are now taking part in one of the premier conservation programs in Pennsylvania! Remember, your responsibilities don’t end with CREP Conservation Practice(s) installation. You must keep your CREP practices in good working order for the entire CREP contract. But don’t worry- if you stay involved during the development of your CREP Conservation Plan and play an active role in understanding your responsibilities, you will be equipped for success! Also, there are many federal, state and local partners available to help you with the technical details of CREP, from maintaining tree seedling health to caring for newly installed wetlands. By calling the toll-free number at the bottom of this page you can hear a list of the CREP partners and get the phone number for your local CREP contact.